
Posts Tagged with ”Salary History Legislation”

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New Jersey bans salary history inquiries for state employees


The executive order – issued new governor Phil Murphy’s first day in office – will prohibit New Jersey agencies and offices from asking applicants for their compensation history or investigating their prior salaries. Read More

Michigan bans “Ban the Box” laws and salary history bans

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed a bill that forbids local governments from limiting the questions businesses can ask during job interviews, bucking the trend of states and municipalities to implement "Ban the Box" policies or laws prohibiting employers from asking applicants about their salary histories. Read More

Albany County, New York the latest jurisdiction to enact salary history ban


The law was signed on Nov. 6, 2017, and will go into effect 30 days after it is filed with the office of the New York secretary of state. Read More

Columbia, South Carolina Limits Inquiries About Applicants' Criminal and Salary Histories

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By Molly Shah and William Simmons on October 3, 2019 Read More

Salary History Ban Guidance Released in New York


The state has issued guidance to employers to support compliance with the salary history ban that took effect January 6, 2020. The Guidance is availbale here . Read More

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